Research Excellence – Five HKSYU Distinguished Scholars listed among World’s Top 2% Scientists

Professor LEUNG Kwong Sak,  Professor TANG,  So-Kum Catherine,  Dr. LI Yi Man, Rita,  Professor LEUNG, Wing Chi Louis and Dr. DOS SANTOS, Luis Miguel  


Five scholars of Hong Kong Shue Yan University are among the World Top 2% most cited scientists, according to a 2024 report recently released by Stanford University. HKSYU is committed to promoting digital humanities in teaching, learning and research. The report reflects the research impacts to the academic community produced by colleagues and the recognition of their work.

Professor TANG So-Kum Catherine is the Vice President (Graduate School), a Distinguished Professor of Psychology, and the Director of The Mrs. Dorothy Koo and Dr. Ti Hua Koo Centre for Interdisciplinary Evidence-based Practice & Research (CIEBPR). She has been listed among the World’s Top 2% most cited scientists (both annual and career impact) by Stanford University since 2020. She is ranked 3rd among the top 2% of scientists (career impact) in Psychology in China in 2023 and 2024. Her research expertise includes Health Psychology, Resilience, Adjustment to Life Adversity and Trauma, Gender Studies, and Clinical Psychology. Since its establishment in 2021, CIEBPR and its collaborators from various institutions have attracted over HK$45 million in funding. The team has recently embarked on an interdisciplinary and multi-level study on resilience, funded by the Institutional Development Scheme Collaborative Research Grant (IDS-C) from the Research Grant Council of the University Grants Committee. Additionally, the team is developing a gamified social-emotional training program for primary school students funded by the Jockey Club Charities Trust.

Professor LEUNG Kwong-Sak is a HKSYU Distinguished Professor in the Department of Applied Data Science and an Emeritus Professor in Computer Science and Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Professor LEUNG is a renowned researcher in Bioinformatics and AI. He has published in top journals and conferences and has authored over 400 articles including five co-authored books. His research interests include Knowledge Engineering, Bioinformatics, Drug Discovery, Soft Computing, Genetic Algorithms and Programming, Machine Learning, Fuzzy Logic Applications, and AI Architecture. Multiple patents relating to drug discoveries, HBV mutations, and intelligent sensors are registered under his team. His research team includes scholars from universities and practitioners from hospitals. Using computer-aided technology, they have discovered several cancer drugs and have improved algorithms in genetic programming.

Professor LI Yi-Man Rita, who has been recently promoted to Professor in the Department of Economics and Finance, is the Director of Sustainable Real Estate Research Center. The Center aims to promote global sustainable real estate research and provide up-to-date information for policymakers. It covers areas of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, including Good Health and Well-being, Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption and Production, and Climate action. For example, the research center has studied the role of non-linear fiscal decentralisation in reducing carbon emissions, robotics' impact on workers' health and safety, and public health expenses. Her team’s work in artificial intelligence and energy has attracted over 1,000 citations in 2023.

Dr DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Counselling and Psychology. He is a scholar and researcher-practitioner in the fields of Adult Learning, Education, Psychology, Minorities, Motivation, Stress and Turnover, Teachers' Professional Development and Problems, and Qualitative Design. Over the past few years, he has worked as the Principal Investigator for a number of international projects, supervising 30 postgraduate students and junior-level researchers. His research team has conducted and completed studies in Asia, Europe, North America, and Oceania. Recently, his research team completed and published some studies about the stress of teenage fathers, social workers’ career decisions, second-career-changing teachers, and male sex workers in East Asia. Luis is an active researcher-practitioner who always welcomes research cooperations and media discussions.

Professor LEUNG Wing-Chi Louis is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Applied Data Science and is also the founder of the department. His work on social network usage and its impact on society and human behavior is widely cited in communication and media studies. His recent research project aims to provide a holistic view of why and how problematic social media use occurs and influences mental health by bridging the roles of both external and individual antecedents.


研究成就 - 樹仁5位傑出學者榮膺全球前2%頂尖科學家排名


鄧素琴教授是樹仁的副校長(研究院)、心理學卓越教授及顧鐵華費肇芬伉儷跨學科循証實踐及研究中心 (CIEBPR) 總監。自2020年以來,鄧教授同時名列史丹福大學年度影響力及生涯影響力的全球前2%頂尖科學家。在2023及2024年全球前2%「生涯影響力」心理學者榜單中,鄧教授更在中國學者榜排行第3。她的研究專長包括健康心理學、韌性、生命逆境和創傷適應、性別研究及臨床心理學。鄧教授主理的CIEBPR自2021年成立以來,聯同其他合作機構已獲得超過港幣4,500萬的研究款項。鄧教授及其團隊近期已展開一項由大學教育資助委員會研究資助局的院校發展計劃協作研究撥款(IDS-C)資助有關韌性的跨學科及多層次研究項目。此外,該團隊正在建立一項由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金資助的針對小學生的遊戲化社會情感訓練項目。


李綺雯教授最近晉升為樹仁的經濟及金融學系教授,李教授同時擔任可持續發展房地產研究中心(Sustainable Real Estate Research Centre) 總監。該研究中心旨在促進全球可持續房地產研究及為政策制定者提供最新資訊。中心涵蓋聯合國可持續發展目標的各個領域,包括良好的健康及福祉、價格相宜的清潔能源、體面工作與經濟成長、工業、創新和基礎設施、永續城市和社區、負責任的消費和生產以及氣候行動。例如,研究中心曾研究非線性的財政分權在減少碳排放、機器人技術對工人健康及安全影響,以及對公共衛生費用的角色。在2023年,她的團隊在人工智能及能源的研究上成功被引用超過1,000次。

Dr DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel是樹仁大學輔導及心理學系的助理教授,他亦是研究成人學習、教育、心理學、少數群體、動機、壓力與流失、教師專業發展與問題及質性研究的學者和研究實踐者。過往數年,他以首席研究員的身份主理多個國際研究項目,而其研究團隊擁有三十多名研究生及初級研究人員。他的研究團隊在亞洲、歐洲、北美及大洋洲進行並完成了多項研究。最近,他的研究團隊完成發表一些關於東亞青少年父親壓力、社工職業決策、轉行的教師及男性性工作者的研究。Dr DOS SANTOS是一位積極的研究實踐者,他歡迎研究合作及媒體討論。
