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Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC)

Powers and Duties

  1. To keep under review, for advice to the University Research Committee, research ethics matters involving the participation of human subjects in research protocols.
  2. To consider individual research protocols submitted to the Committee and where appropriate, to certify that ethical requirements have been fulfilled; and
  3. To monitor and evaluate the progress of approved projects to ensure that ethical requirements are being met.
  4. To submit an annual report to the Academic Board with recommendations for future development.

Frequency of Meetings                

The committee will normally meet once annually.


  1. Chairperson
  2. One member each from the Departments, who preferably are experienced in conducting research involving human subjects; and
  3. Such other members with specialist expertise who may be from outside or within the University to be co-opted for meetings as necessary.

Members will serve for a term of two years and will be eligible for re-appointment. A member shall not serve when his/her own research proposal is being considered.

Research protocols submitted to the Committee will be considered at meetings. Projects involving no more than minimal risk may however be considered by the Chairperson (or another experienced member of the Committee as recommended by the Chairperson) under “expedited review”.





A senior member of the University with experience and/or legal knowledge of research ethics and no conflict of interest

Dr. LI Alex Wang-on, Associate Academic Vice President (University Research)

Internal Members

Six staff representing the departments where human research is commonly carried out and/or who are actively involved in research and preferably at Assistant Professor grade or above

  • Dr. CHUI Raymond Chi-fai, Department of Social Work
  • Dr. GAO Chong, Department of Sociology
  • Dr. LAW Colin Chi-hang, Department of Business Administration
  • Prof. LI Rita Yi-man, Department of Economics and Finance
  • Dr. PANG Agnes Suk-man, Department of History
  • Prof. YU Calvin Kai-ching, Department of Counselling and Psychology

External Advisors

Senior academics from local universities who are active members of the human research ethics committee in their own institution

  • Prof. Gina LAI, Hong Kong Baptist University
  • Dr. ZHANG Lei, Lingnan University, Hong Kong


Research Office's Representative

Documents for HREC

For HREC related documents such as the application form or guidelines, please go to (restricted to HKSYU staff access only).